JANUARY 8, 2009
The regular township meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. Board members present were Lynn Huotari, Margaret Lindeman, Jim Saur, Deb Maki, and Robert Sibilsky.
MINUTES OF MEETING: The minutes of the December 11, 2008 were approved.
Motion: Lindeman/ Saur all voted aye.
TREASURER’S REPORT: The treasurer’s report was given by Treasurer Huotari and was accepted as given. The fund balances are as follows: General Fund $57,146.16, Fire Fund $19,257.47, MBIA General Fund savings $38,535.92, MBIA Tax Fund $753.19, SNB Tax Account $5487.56, Citizens Fire CD $7,062.28.
CORRESPONDENCE: A service location worksheet was sent to the township from the U. S. Department of Commerce. This inquiry didn’t apply to our township and was to be completed by the clerk accordingly.
BERM: Jim Saur indicated no new action at this time. The state doesn’t have any grant money available at this time because of the economy.
INTERNAL AUDIT SHEET: The sample internal audit form provided at our last meeting by Supervisor Maki will need revision per Supervisor Maki after her conversation with Jim Carlson the state auditor doing our township audit. It will be resubmitted to the board at a later date.
AUTHORIZED SIGNATURES FOR TOWNSHIP BANKING: The treasurer will obtain cards to revise the authorized signatures for our banking at Superior National Bank, MBIA, and Citizen’s. Signatories for the township are Lynn Huotari, Cheryl Reynolds, Mike Sabo and Robert Sibilsky. Motion to revise: Huotari/Sibilsky all voted aye.
BOARD OF REVIEW: Board of Review training is available in Houghton on the 4th and in Marquette on the 26th. Our members are Doris Johnson, John Kelly, Bill Meier, Mike Sabo and Supervisor Maki. A motion to fund attendance at one of these programs was made: Motion SibilskySaur all voted aye.
LAND DIVISION ORDINANCE: An ordinance to regulate partitioning or division of parcels or tracts of land was introduced at the meeting and subsequently adopted... Section V11 to be revised to include the words “lake frontage” Once corrected the ordinance will be published in the newspaper. Motion to adopt was made by Saur/Sibilsky all voted aye.
PLANNING COMMISSION UPDATE: No meeting since November. Next meeting is January 15th 2009.
PAYMENT OF THE BILLS: Bills amounting to $8,375.65 were authorized to be paid. Motion Huotari/Lindeman all voted aye.
ADJOURN: Motion Huotari/Maki all voted ay
__________________________ ___________________
Robert Sibilsky, Clerk Deb Maki, Supervisor