The regular township monthly meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. Board members present were Lynn Huotari, Margaret Lindeman, Jim Saur, Deb Maki, and Bob Sibilsky.
MINUTES OF MEETING: The minutes of the October 19, meeting were read and approved. Motion to approve: Lindeman/Saur, all voted aye.
TREASURER’S REPORT: The treasurer’s report was given by Treasurer Huotari and accepted as given. The fund balances are as follows: Citizens Bank CD $7,474.21, SNB General Account $28,184.86, MBIA Fire Fund $24,283.40, MBIAGeneral Fund $59,685.05, MBIA Tax Fund $315.15, SNB Tax Account $3415.00.
KLEMETT FUND RAISER: A financial report of the community fundraiser for Wendy L Klemett Fire Fund was submitted by the finance chairperson Betty Kratt. It was reported that $6472.00 raised after expenses of Hall rental and food costs of $364.06.
An additional matching contribution from Thrivent of $800.00 brought the total funds received to $7272.10. The community donated 332 hours of labor to the project. Numerous hours not totaled were donated by many community bakers.
UPSET: Police drug enforcement team acknowledged receipt of Elm River’s Township portion of operating cost
BOUNDARY AND ANNEXATION SURVEY: U. S. Census Bureau provided a map of our township for review.
REA Rate hearing notice and Prison Work Contract from Baraga Prison were received
ORDINANCES: Junk Cars, Blight, and Noise ordinances had been given to board members last month for review and discussion. Subsequent to last month the MTA local chapter met with ordinances as an agenda item. The prosecuting attorney presented the county position and obligations (enforcement etc.) both for the county and the township if ordinances were pursued including those already on the books of the county. The township supervisor decided to table the ordinances at this time.
AMEND FREEDOM OF INFORMATION POLICY: Our fees for the services for freedom of information work needed revision. Rate were revised as follows: Duplication $.20 per page, Envelopes $.20 #10, $.30 9x13 & $.40 for larger. Hourly rate $7.40. Amended 11-12-09 Motion to approve: Saur/Sibilsky all voted aye.
PIKE LAKE ROAD: The County has the improvement of the road scheduled for the 2012 plan. Est. $208,000.00.
PLANNING COMMISSION UPDATE: Master plan survey on the township website.
Planning commission working to complete the plan for spring 2010. Next meeting December 16th7:00 p.m.
CITIZEN’S COMMENTS; John Reynolds, Tom Ward, John Masini and Maryann Jarvi all had comments and concerns about ordinances.
PAYMENTS OF BILLS: Motion to pay the bills of the township $7453.94 Huotari/Lindeman all vote aye.
NEXT MEETING: January 14, 2010 7:00 P.M.
______________________ _________________________________
Robert L. Sibilsky,Clerk Deb Maki, Supervisor