FEBRUARY 12, 2009


The regular township meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.  Board members present were Lynn Huotari, Jim Saur, Deb Maki and Robert Sibilsky.  Margaret Lindeman was absent.

MINUTES OF MEETING:  The minute of the January 8th 2009 meeting were approved.

Motion:  Huotari/Saur all voted aye.

TREASURER’S REPORT:  The treasurer’s report was given by Treasurer Huotari and was accepted as given. The fund balances are as follows:  General Fund $43,878.48, MBIA Fire Fund $19,010.64, MBIA General Savings $79,482.19, MBIA Tax Fund

$744.21, SNB Tax Account $5933.93, Citizens Fire CD $7,062.28   CORRECTION DATED 3.19.09 Include Payment of Bills $21,417.52

CORRESPONDENCE:   (1) The township received a follow-up letter from Julee   Kaurala and aid in Congressman Bart Stupak’s office explaining the rational for the removal of the mail collection box from in front of Krupp’s Mini Mart.  Apparently 175 mail collection boxes were removed throughout the U. P., financial constraints was given as the primary reason.  (2) A summary of the January website action was provided by our website provider.


BERM:   No new action.  Funding unavailable.


MISSION STATEMENT/TOWNSHIP VISION: Supervisor Maki provided each board member with a”Vision “ document in which she is requesting us to provide input with regard to Self-Assessment, Township Vision, Let us Ask Ourselves questions.  Describe the future of Elm River Township as you envision it 20 yrs from now, also Linkages with our community.

LINDRUS/DOMITROVICH LAND SPLIT:  A single parcel of land is being contemplated for division into five parcels which is in violation of our land split ordinance.

This involves a 1995 Health Dept permit, number of homes then and now. The Heath Dept would require further review before any action could be taken by the board.

BUDGET 2008-2009:  Supervisor Maki provided a draft of the budget for board members to review and provide suggestions for change or additions.  Comments are due in to Supervisor Maki before March 1, 2009.

PLANNING COMMISSION UPDATE:  Shawn Hagen provided the board with the status of the Master Plan draft.  The P.C. will be working the next few months on completion of the master plan document...  Eagle Harbor Twp. is assisting us by allowing us to model some of our plan after theirs. Input is to be requested from outside sources such as the Health Dept the DNR and others. Meetings with these sources are contemplated in the future.

CITIZENS COMMENTS:    (1) Judy Glandon spoke to promote recreation  for seniors and others by suggesting they  join a swimming group at the Jeffers HHS pool M thru F  from 9am to 12 pm.

(2) John Reynolds advised the township of a gift from the Houghton Fire Dept of a thermal imager for our fire dept. (3) John Reynolds  indicated that there was interest this fall for two of the firemen’s wive’s to train as first responders.  The board suggested he get more cost data for review at a later meeting.

PAYMENT OF BILLS: Bills amounting to $21,487.52 were authorized to be paid. The audit cost for 2006 and 2007 was included in this figure, $9,490.00.

Motion to pay:  Huotari/Saur all voted aye.

NEXT MEETING:  March 19, 2009 Budget 6:30 p.m. Regular meeting to follow.

ADJOURNMENT:  Motion to adjourn Maki/Sibilsky all voted aye.



___________________________                    ___________________________

Robert Sibilsky, Clerk                                     Deb Maki, Supervisor