MARCH 19, 2009


The regular township meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m... Board members present were Lynn Huotari, Jim Saur, Deb Maki and Deputy Clerk Mike Sabo.  Margaret Lindeman and Robert Sibilsky were absent.

MINUTES OF MEETING:  The minutes of the February 12, meeting were approved with one correction of the total dollars expended for the monthly bills which should have read $21, 417.52.

Motion to accept with correction:  Huotari/ Saur all voted aye

TREASURER’S REPORT:  The treasurer’s report was given by Treasurer Huotari and was accepted as given.  The fund balances are as follows: Citizen’s Fire CD $7,062.28, SNB Gen Fund $54,244.05, MBIA Fire Fund $28,930.58, MBIA Gen Fund $49,599.06, MBIA Tax Fund $743.93, SNB Tax Acc’t $74,832.87.


BERM:  Jim Saur expects to obtain berm dirt from the road construction anticipated on the Pike Lake road project.  Houghton County Road Commission is expected to start the project as soon as weather permits.


TOWNSHIP ATTORNEY:  Township is going to pursue obtaining a new attorney for township activities.  In the meantime the township will continue the use of Atty. Dave Mechlin.

Motion to secure attorney:  Saur/Maki   all voted aye.

DEPOSITORY:  Our current depositories for banking purposes were recommended for continuance.  SNB, MBIA, and Citizens.  Motion Huotari/Saur all voted aye.

SALARY ADJUSTMENTS:  Recommendation for salary adjustments for 2010 was as follows:  Treasurer $5700.00 annual $475.00 mo.  Motion Maki/Saur   Roll call vote all voted aye: Maki, Saur, and Huotari.   Supervisor/Assessor  $1250.00mo. ($6000.00 annual $500.00 mo.) Supervisor, ($7500.00 annual $625mo.)  Assessor.   Motion Saur/Huotari Roll call vote, all voted aye: Maki, Huotari, Saur.  Clerk $5280.00 $440.00 mo.  Motion Saur/Maki, Roll call vote, all vote aye:  Maki, Saur, and Huotari.

Trustee $1200.00 annual $100.00 mo.  Motion Huotari/Maki.   Roll call vote, all voted aye. Maki, Huotari, and Saur.


EXPENSE ADJUSTMENTS: Effective April 1, 2009 


Mileage reimbursement of $.55 per mile (per IRS for 2009)

Meal provided with travel over 60 miles – receipt is required for reimbursement

Meal allowance at the MTA Conference $20.00 per day.

Motion to approve:  Saur/Maki all voted aye...

SALARY RATE POLICY:  Schedule dated April 1, 2009 applies (see schedule attached)

STIMULUS FUNDS:  The Township has requested funding of the dust control project on Pike Lake Rd. and Emily Lake Road as well as the Berm project.  Motion to approve:  Saur/Maki, all voted aye

BOARD MEETINGS FOR 2009-2010:  See schedule attached.



Elaine Blackburn was concerned about missing minutes on the website.  Website minutes are one month later than their occurrence as they aren’t published until approved by the BOARD at the subsequent meeting.

John Reynolds Fire Chief requested the purchase of Ice Rescue Sled Cost  $3276.00.    Motion to purchase.  Maki/Saur all voted aye.

John indicated the tanker truck needs replacement in 2 to 3 years.

John was encouraging residents to keep driveways clean for fire access.


PATMENT OF BILLS:  Motion to pay the bills: Huotari/Saur all vote aye

Total bills approved $8451.86

NEXT MEETING:  April 16,2009

ADJOURN:  Motion Maki/ Huotari all voted aye


_________________________                  _____________________________

Robert L. Sibilsky, Clerk                             Deb Maki, Supervisor

Mike Sabo, Deputy Clerk