APRIL 16, 2009 Corrected May 14, 2009
The regular township meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. Board members present were Lynn Huotari, Jim Saur, Deb Maki, Margaret Lindeman, and Bob Sibilsky.
MINUTES OF MEETING: The minutes of the March 19, 2009 were approved.
Motion: Huotari/Saur all voted aye.
BUDGET HEARING 2008: The minutes were provided at this meeting as they were not previously provided at the March meeting as scheduled. Motion to approve: Saur/ Sibilsky all voted aye.
TREASURER’S REPORT: The treasurer’s report was given by Treasurer Huotari and was accepted as given. The fund balances are as follows: Citizen’s Bank $7,258.36, MBIA Fire Fund $13.193.58, SNB General Acc’t $81,216.58, MBIA Fire Acc’t $50,494.75, MBIA General Fund $50,086.12, MBIA Tax Fund $43,644.31, SNB Tax Acc’t $4,268.59.
CORRESPONDENCE: Letter was received from the County Clerk informing us of election personnel training on April 30th in Hancock at the Lakeview Manor. Mary Ann Jarvi will be informed as she is the only one not upgraded.
BERM: The permits have been revived with the DNR. Letter of commitment regarding mtce and up keep is required and a final design is necessary for the RC&D. Greg Tarnoski was consulted about the relocation of the trail. Ray Saatio is managing the ditching and road preparation for the paving of Pike Lake Road for the County and agreed to provide fill for the berm project from the Pike Lake project.
TOWNSHIP ATTORNEY: Supervisor Maki investigating possible attorney for the township. No recommendation at this time.
STIMULUS FUNDS: Supervisor Maki requested road mtce funds. Status not known at this time.
TOWNSHIP MISSION STATMENT: Supervisor Maki reminded the Board that we are to discuss a township mission statement at the next board meeting.
MTA DISTRICT MEETING MAY 18, 2009: The MTA will host a district meeting at the Franklin Square Inn. Lindeman, Maki and Sibilsky will attend.
SUMMER CLEAN-UP: It was recommended that an August date be chosen for this years project. Metal pickup also to be included. Provider to be determined.
COPIER/PRINTER: No action at this time.
ASSESSOR’S REPORT: Assessed value increased this year to by $4,343,530.00 Residential increased $3,476.040. Taxable value increased to $18,914,045.00 from $17,581,054.00. 20 petitions were submitted to the Board of Review most were related to lake property, which on Lake Roland is now at $1100.00 per ft.
PLANNING COMMISSION UPDATE: Work continues on the master plan update.
CITIZEN’S COMMENT’S: 1. Wed Night CPR and AED Training was requested by the fire dept.
2.Concern was expressed about inclusion of old fire truck on our insurance policy and that it should be deleted if it was still on the policy. Supr. Maki to investigate.
PAYMENT OF BILLS: Motion to pay bills: Lindeman./Saur all voted aye Bills amounting to $22,392.22 were included for this month.
ADJOURN: Motion Huotari/Sibilsky all voted aye.
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Robert L. Sibilsky, Clerk Deb Maki, Supervisor