MAY 14, 2009
The regular township meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. Board members present were Lynn Huotari, Jim Saur, Deb Maki, Margaret Lindeman and Bob Sibilsky.
MINUTES OF MEETING: The minutes of the April 16, 2009 meeting were approved with correction to the Assessor’s Report as noted in the revised minutes dated May 16th, 2009.
Motion: Lindeman/ Saur all voted aye.
TREASURER’S REPORT: The treasurer’s report was given by Treasurer Huotari and was accepted as given. The fund balances are as follows: Citizen’s Bank $7,258.36, SNB General Acc’t $4,659.50, MBIA Fire Fund $39,054.67, MBIA General Fund $120,173.81, MBIA Tax Fund $43,660.26, SNB Tax Acc’t. $4,268.59
CORRESPONDENCE: Supervisor Maki received communications from the USDA regarding our loans and also from the Mich. Development Corp related to our status with stimulus funds. No approvals at this time.
Office Max has discontinued their corp. credit card. We just received our own corp. card so we won’t need theirs.
BERM: No action at this time. Jim Saur to put estimate together for board to consider self-funding.
STIMULUS FUNDS: Our requests have been denied.
MISSION STATEMENT: Project has been put on hold for a future meeting.
2009 AUDIT CONTRACT: 2009 Audit Contract was approved utilizing the state auditor. Motion: Sibilsky/Maki all voted aye.
2008 AUDIT: The audit document for the 2008 was reviewed and approved. Motion to approve: Saur/Lindeman
Roll call vote. Sibilsky, Huotari, Saur, Maki, and Lindeman all voted yes.
WASTE MANAGEMENT: Deb Maki has talked to Waste Management about our contract next year. Deb has also spoken to a service company in Ontonagon. Proposals are forthcoming.
STATE PARK OPEN HOUSE: On June 20th the Twin Lakes State Park will celebrate 90 yrs. of Michigan State Parks in pavilion. Cake and ice cream will be served.
MILLAGE RENEWALS: The Township will have three proposals for tax renewals on the August 4th ballot. The first is for the Fire Fund, 1 mill for five years. The second is for the General Fund, 2 mills for 3 years, and the last proposal is for 1 mill for 3 years for the General Services. Motion to approve ballot: Lindeman/ Saur Roll call vote Lindeman, Maki, Saur, Huotari, and Sibilsky vote aye.
PLANNING COMMISSION UPDATE: Shawn Hagen talked about the development of the master plan including a survey of township residences. He talked about budget concerns for outsourcing services. He also requested the township board to reconsider the original funding.
Various discussions related to the township newsletter and survey needs took place.
Doris Johnson related the interest in a web site for the township business association. She also requested volunteers to take pictures for the park celebration.
PAY THE BILLS: Bills in the amount of $9725.12 were approved for payment. Motion Lindeman/ Huotari all voted aye.
ADJOURN: Motion Huotari/Maki all voted aye.
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Robert L. Sibilsky, Clerk Deb Maki, Supervisor